Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The journey begins

As we all know some of our biggest dreams are just goals that we are too scared to reach for often thinking them unatainable. But if life throws you a curveball and you suddenly realise those dreams are worth chasing would you do it? This is my story and my journey as I take on my dreams and turn them into reality. I am a reader. I love books. ask anyone who knows me and that would be the first thing they would generally comment about. Yet there came a time in my childhood when I read the entire library in my small rural town. So what to do with nothing to read I started creating my own stories with me often as the star of those stories. Time passed and I grew up but the stories always remained. I always dreamed of being a writer but never had the courage to go for it even though I did major in English and followed the creative writing stream at university. What changed? Suddenly within a week my dad had to have an emergency triple heart bypass! I still don't remember everything of that terrible time but the one thing that I take away from it was life is too short to follow your dreams no matter how out of your reach you think they may be. My family pulled together to help my dad with his recovery and I was single so I became his night nurse. I didnt mind, those nights of running to make toasted tomatoe and brown bread sandwiches while we watched discovery chanel or cartoons or quietly chat while trying not to disturb anyone else will always remain with me. It brought us closer and it opened my eyes to the possibilities of a positive attitude. My dad inspired me to reach for my dreams. and here I am. I love fantasy, scifi and romance. and I'm proud to say my very first book is avalible on Amazon.
And is available to purchase here http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00IIS24VE

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